End to End SAP on Oracle Database Refresh Procedure

 End to End SAP on Oracle Database Refresh Procedure 

Convention : In this document we follow the given convention while refreshing to system

Source system : The whose database backup is taken and applied on the other system.

Target system : The system which will be refreshed


1.     Login to the target system : As <sid>admàstopsap

2.     If the target system is in a host which house no other AS then stop the listener à lsntctl stop

Note : In case the host houses other AS proceed without this step .

3.     In the target system switch user to ora<sid> à su -ora<target-sid>

4.     In the target system moved the contents of the

/oracle/sid/saptrace/directoey :

Mkdir /oracle/SID/saptrace/background/old

Mkdir /oracle/SID/saptrace/usertrace/old


Mv /oracle/SID/saptrace/background/* /oracle/SID/saptrace/background/old

Mv /oracle/SID/saptrace/usertrace/* /oracle/SID/saptrace/usertrace/old

5.     In the target system remove the .dbf files from the orilog and mirrorlog directorys

Rm /oracle/sid/origlogB/*.dbf

Rm /oracle/sid/origlogA/*.dbf

Rm /oracle/sid/mirrlogB/*.dbf

Rm /oracle/sid/mirrlogA/*.dbf

6.     In the target system delete the content of all the sapdata<n> directory

Cd /oracle/SID/sapdata<n>

Rm -r*

7.     In the target system take the backup the following files which are in /oracle/SID/102_64/dbs

Mv initSID.ora initSID.ora.orig

Mv initSID.dbA initSID.dba.orig

Mv initSID.sap initSID.sap.orig

Mv initSID.utl initSID.utl.orig

Mv initSID.bki initSID.bki.orig

8.     Copy the following files from the source system to the target system directrory

/oracle/target_sid/102_64/dbs using

Cd /oracle/target_sid/102_64/dbs

Sftp <source_sid>adm@SourceIP

Cd /oracle/source_sid/102_64/dbs

Get init<source_sid>.ora

Get init<source_sid>.dba

Get init<source_sid>.sap

Get init<source_sid>.utl

Get init<source_sid>.bki

9.     Also copy the latest .aff/.anf and .log file from the source system to the target system directory /oracle/<target_sid>/sapbackup:


Sftp ora<source_sid>@<source system IP>

Cd /oracle/<source_sid>/sapbackup

Ls -ltr

Get <latest>.aff

Get backu<source_sid>.log


In case of online backup restore , also get the following file:

Cd /oracle/<source_sid>/saparch

Get arch<source_sid>.log

10.  Change the name of the .log file in the target system:

Mv back<source_sid>.log back<target_sid>.log

Mv arch<source_sid>.log arch<target_sid>.log

11.  Also rename the init<sid>.* files in the target system brought from source system in step 7

Eg : mv init<source_sid>.ora init<target_sid>.ora

12.  In the target system change the content of the init<sid>.* files by replacing all occurrence of <source SID> with <target SID> . However in the following lines og the files the <source_sid> should be left unchanged :

è In the init<sid>.ora file the volume_archive and Volume_backup files

è In the init<sid>.util file the BACKUPIDPREFIX filed

13.  Both in the target system and the source system see the name of the TSM server from the dsm.sys file:

Cd /usr/Tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin

More dsm.sys

The first line of the file shows the servername

14.  If the source and target system are on different tsm sever   then execute the following:

In the Target :

Cd /usr/Tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin

Mv dsm.opt dsm.opt.old

Mv dsm.sys dsm.sys.old

Sftp root@sourceIP

Cd /usr/Tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin

Get dsm.opt

Get dsm.sys


Chmod 755 dsm.opt

Chmod 755 dsm.sys

Cd /oracle/targetSID/102_64/dbs

Vi dsm.opt

Change the virtualname in the dsm.opt file to that in the dsm.opt of the source system.

15.  Check the connection to the TSM server using the following command

Backint -p /oracle/SID/102_64/dbs/init<SID>.utl -f password

Backfm -p /oracle/SID/102_64/dbs/init<SID>.utl

16.  Start the restore with the following command :

Nohop brrestore -b <.anf file> -d util_file -c Fource -r /oracle/targetSID/102_64/dbs/inittarget_sid>.util -m full -l E &

17.  In case of online backup restore take the archive log backup restore

Nohup brrestore -a <start_log#>-<end_log#> -c -d util_file -r /oracle/targetSID/102_64/dbs/inittarget_SID.utl &

18.  Goto the source system goto the SQL prompt and execute the following:

SQL>alter database backup controlfile to trace

The file thus created is stored in the /oracle/sid/saptrace/usertrace directory

19.  Copy the trace file to the /oracle/sid/sapbackup directory in the target system as a .sql file

Eg : trace.sql

20.  Edit the trace.sql file and make the following changes

Vi trace.sql

àDelete all the lines before and not including the line containing STSRTUP NOMOUNT

àChange all the occurrence of the source_SID to Target_SID the the below command

:1,$ S/<source_sid>/<target_sid>/g

àChangethe settin REUSE to SET and NORESETLOGS to RESETLOGS

àDelete the lone containing STANDBY LOGFILE

àDelete all the lines after :



21.  Goto SQL prompt and execute the file


22.  If an error “DB_FILES reached maximum” in encountered . edit the init.ora file and increase the db_files to 700.

Cd /oracle/sid/102_64/dbs

Vi initsid.ora

Change the value of the DB_FILES to 700

Create spfile from pfile;

Repeat the step 21

23.  Shutdownthe database

SQL>shutdown Immediate

24.  Take the database in the mount mode .

Sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL>startup mount

25.  For the Online restore only use the following command (Donot use for the ofline restore )

SQL> recover database using backup controlfile until cancel.

Type AUTO and press enter {before that we require to copy all the desire archive log files}

26.  For Offline /Online restore execute the following command

SQL>alter database open resetlogs

27.  Execute the following commands

à Create user OPS$<SID>ADM identified externally;

à Create user OPS$ORA<SID> identified externally;

àgrant sapdba , connect , resource to OPS$<SID>ADM;

àgrant connect , resource to OPS$ORA<SID>


àinsert into OPS$<SID>ADM.SAPUSER values (‘SAPSR3’,’U2pa554U’);

àdrop user OPS$<source_sid>ADM cascade;

àdrop user OPS$ORA<source_SID> casecade;

28.  Start SAP AS


29.  Add temp files to the PSAPTEMP tablespace using brtools

BrtoolsàSpace Management à Extend Tablespace

Command similar to the following can be used

ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP ADD TEMPFILE ‘/oracle/<SID>/sapdata<n>/temp_<n>/temp.data<n>’ SIZE 3860M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 20971520 MAXSIZE 30000M;


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